• Our Best Day

           So I’d love for this to be a post about a fabulous outfit I wore over the past weekend or a Martha Stewart style meal I made for my family in heels…….but this past week and a half has been anything but a photo from a magazine and I can’t pretend it has been as much as I would like to. Unfortunately the day after our accident the gravity of what happened really hit me and it’s taken a much harder of a toll emotionally on me than I ever anticipated. I also enjoyed a nice healthy dose of mama guilt. Today is the first day I feel like I can breathe again, the first day I’ve driven without every curve sending me into a panic and it’s the first day I haven’t burst into tears for no good reason. This whole ordeal has been a good reminder for me that life is far from perfect and no matter what choices you make or how hard you try there will always be that unexpected curve in the road, in my case quite literally. What does matter is that you try your best with what you are given each day one day at a time. Our best today was completing only 3/4 of the errands that we set out to do but taking the time to have lunch with a good friend. Our best was managing to keep the boy distracted enough for me to cook dinner (with a little help from Blue Apron meals). Our best was Dexter throwing all of his green beans on the floor but eating all of his barley. Our best are Lego’s still laying on the floor that will still be there in the morning or honestly maybe even the morning after that. Our best is taking the time to write a new blog post……. finally! Looking forward to see what tomorrow’s best will be, the foodie in me really hopes it will include a five coarse meal that I prepare from scratch while my son sits quietly and plays constructively with the new activities I prepared for him and continues to sit and just as quietly eat his meal while I slowly savor every delicious bite….hey, a girl can dream can’t she!?!?! Even if that dream deteriorates into a frozen dinner eaten long after our son is in bed it will be….our best.